
Monday, November 08, 2004

Shopping exploits of a ghoulie Diva.- a ficticious tale from GhoulieBabies and Glamour Vamps

Kitty loves a shopping spree. She loves to browse the stores, test the samples and finger the luxurious fabrics in the clothing departments. Shoes, make-up, home wares, clothing, lingerie, jewelry, Kitty was happy to peruse it all and the ghoulie underworld is a veritable treasure trove for the darkest of shopping Divas.
Kitty insists a perfect ending to a spooktacular shopping session is an hour or two at the boo-eauty salon. So she booked herself in for a “hair-distressing”, a full body ‘scritchy-scratchy scrub’, ‘creature from the black lagoon mud bath’ and finally a session on the rack to work out those nasty kinks and aches from the strenuous task of carrying all of ones purchases from shop to shop.
Then she hit the road. First Stop on Kitty’s schedule is always the “House of Shrieks”- home of the highest, the most uncomfortable, virtually impossible to walk in, but shockingly fabulous shoes any ghoul could ever want. Sleek, spiky, stiletto or platforms from Hell, this store has it all and the heavy, earthy atmosphere of the cavernous interior is mostly punctuated with the high pitched squeals (of both delight and discomfort) of the satisfied shoppers within.
Then she gets down to the serious business of creature couture. There are so many choices a mortal head would spin, but Kitty struts confidently from couturier to tailor, rag shop to rag bag, facing the glare of snooty assistants with a medusa style sneer. Lacing and boning, leg’o’mortal sleeves, hobbles skirts, bondage pants, Kitty tore through them like an end of lease clearance and a kings ransom later swept purposefully across the shopping ‘maul’ to “Creative Crypt keeping” a one stop shop for cobwebs and candle sticks, various grades of dust, velvet curtains and a whole new line of “room must”, perfect for creating the perfect resting place in your very own crypt, vault or crumbling mansion. Kitty fears she has a less than mausoleum atmosphere at home, so she indulges in a few dozen candles and a creak for her door.
Of course by this time it’s the wee small hours of the morning (Serious shopping ghouls always shop at night) Kitty’s feet are killing her and her fingers are numb from all of the little shopping bag loops she is precariously balancing. She slumps gratefully into her hair tamers electric chair with a nice cup of hemlock tea and relinquishes herself to his expert claws, for now at least her shopping beast within has been sated.

-Lady Nemesis 2004


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