Baby Jack SquashJack Squash stretched and yawned as he stepped from his hollowed out sweet mischief miniature pumpkin bed. He slipped his feet into his snuggly warm Jack-o-lantern booties and made his way to the kitchen for a cup of Pumpkin flower tea and a slice of pumpkin pie (Jack squash loves Pumpkin pie for Breakfast, but is easily pleased with a slice of toasted pumpkin bread instead).
Of course Jack has his breakfast when most human folks are heading for their beds, just as all of the pumpkin patch keepers have before him. Jack Squash is well aware that night- time is the best time to tend his precious pumpkins.
It was a brilliant bright full moon and Jack whistled his pleasure as he wandered through the pumpkin patch. He nodded his greetings to the snail and grub families and inspected the spreading pumpkin leaves. There were several tiny pumpkins forming already and he took time to polish and shine and massage their smooth skins. Then he inspected the flowers and rearranged leaves and vines so that the they could attract the maximum attention and look inviting for the pollinator insects. Jack always spoke kindly to the growing plants, checking their roots and watering any that looked parched. He was mightily pleased with his toil and was making his way home to his pumpkin house when he heard a strange rustling beneath a thick clump of leaves. Leaning in closer he heard the giggling and cooing of a child. Parting the leaves he saw, joy of joys, a new born pumpkin baby, baby. Now this is a most unique and rare event in the pumpkin patch and Jack would need to get news of the marvelous occurrence out into the vegetable garden so that all of the creatures might come forth to meet the new arrival. But in the mean time he wrapped the infant in a vine leaf and searched for a sturdy young pumpkin that he might hollow out for a crib.
Soon both Jack Squash and the baby would be tucked up snuggly in their beds and the waking mortals would be none the wiser of the great and miraculous events of the evening before. They would however proclaim this season to produce the most plentiful and delicious crop of Pumpkins that anyone could remember.
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