
Monday, August 21, 2006

Ghoulish things in small packages

Little horned ghoulies from various years Posted by Picasa

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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Baby Noir

Baby Noir, such a curious tyke,
Always woke in the middle of the night.

In the eerie glow of a full moon Baby Noir was born. Hi birth was not punctuated by the customary tears, but by a wolf like baying as he squirmed impatiently in his swaddling. Try as they might to console him, he remained energetic and restless until dawns early hours. When quite suddenly he settled into his quilt of clouds and slumbered deeply, though he fidgeted and flinched in hi sleep as if enjoying a vigorous romp or rough and tumble.
Noir was a placid and tranquil newborn. He often seemed earnest and intent in the study of his surrounds, quite satisfied with his own company and not looking to anyone else for amusement.
He was however extremely eager to be mobile and focused all of his energy on the task this becoming proficient at propelling himself about at an early age- first crawling, then toddling and finally walking and runny with surprising stealth. He displayed not only agility but outstanding dexterity and stamina. Despite the fact that he had uncanny bursts of energy late in the evening, when most youngsters are looking to sleep, his parents were aglow with pride and pleasure.
It didn�t take long for Baby Noir to work out that his nocturnal tendencies weren�t all together the norm. Though he wasn�t a child to fuss and complain he found more often than not that he was settled down for �bedtime� just as he was feeling most energetic and ready for activity.
So he took to exploring the darkened house while everyone else slumbered. Escape from his crib was hardly a challenge with his cat like ability to jump and land on his feet and he enjoyed the solitude of the sleeping household. Starting with his own room he investigated his way around touching and tasting and poking about in every nook and cranny or sometimes just sitting by the window and staring out into the darkness and feeling completely content.
As he got older and his parents took to checking on him less often during the night he was able to venture farther a field and all the while his proud mom and dad boasted to their friends that he �sleep right through the night.�
Later on Baby Noir�s adventures would progress until he was regularly venturing out into the night to observe the night creatures and even to communicate with them in a strange language that only he and his nocturnal playmates understood. These were the hours when he felt most alive as he frolicked and played, then just before dawn he would sneak back to his bed for the briefest of naps before morning. Understandably he also became very adept at sleeping with his eyes wide open.

-Lady Nemesis 2004 Posted by Picasa
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