
Saturday, September 30, 2006


On a night both dark and dreary, while the wind howled in the trees and their straggly, spindly limbs scratched eerily at the windows an Ogre family (Husband and wife and their scruffy terrier spot) slept peacefully- for the loved a storm and found the sounds of natures mayhem soothing. Little did they know, their lives were about to change forever..
They were awoken with a start by a staccato rapping at their tumble down cottage door- a rapping so sharp and urgent it splintered the very wood that the door was made of. Mrs. Ogre awoke with a start and jabbed her finger savagely into her still slumbering husband.
"There's someone at the door" she hissed, "See to it husband. It might be some bandit come to rob us, for who else would come calling at this time of night."
The husband seeing that he would get no peace until he saw to the ruckus at the door, stumbled from his bed into his thread bear slippers and made his way down the stairs. His wife followed close behind clutching a candelabra for protection and Spot the terrier hid behind her, his tail firmly between his legs.
When they came to the door the tapping had stopped, though the husband felt compelled to open the door and seek out the source of the mayhem that had spoiled his sleep. He found much to his surprise only a strange swaddled bundle on the door mat that seemed to be snoring quite loudly- it would appear that the raven had been to call and blessed the couple with their first child- a healthy Ogre boy. Mrs. Ogre shrieked with joy, her husband feinted from the shock and Spot the terrier yipped with excitement.
The Ogres were immensely happy with their new son- he had a healthy green pallor and his horns were growing in splendidly. Spot the terrier was particularly thrilled with his new playmate and they were soon the best of chums, together they explored the petrified forest around the tumble down cottage, digging holes and playing in the dirt and he didn�t mind a bit when the baby gnawed at his tail when he was cutting his sharp little ogre teeth. Mr Ogre taught his son all important Ogre things like developing a fearsome growl and how to find a comfy tree against which to take a nap. Mrs. Ogre beamed with pride at her bouncing boys voracious appetite and made all of his favorite Ogre meals, crispy bugs, gruel, Fungi pie and bark jerky. They were a very happy and satisfied little family, cozy together in the tumble down cottage.
A few years passed and then one stormy night, both dark and dreary when the wind howled relentlessly through the trees, the Ogre family were awoken once again by a sharp, staccato tapping on the old wooden door of their tumble down

- Lady Nemesis 2006
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