Wailen earned his name from being born with a healthy and well developed set of lungs. Right from the word go he had no trouble getting anyone's attention, he simply opened his mouth and wailed. This was particularly significant as he is an extremely intelligent child who required much stimulation and interaction. Pretty soon his parents took to wearing ear muffs in order to save both their hearing and their sanity.
A few years down the track now and Wailen is at that inquisitive age. Pretty much everything goes straight to his mouth and he has developed quite a palate for slugs and snails ‘au natural’ and he is becoming a dab hand at identifying various soil samples and their place of origin.
He’s very fond of animals (not just eating them) and in particular weasels and ferrets. There were a couple of close calls early on when he very nearly smothered them with his love– literally. Eventually he grasped the concept of “if you squeeze to hard kitty goes squish.”
Already Wailen is showing an aptitude for mathematics, he likes to count how many black jelly beans he can shovel into his mouth before he convulses. His parents are keen to encourage his Literary appreciation too, though somewhat disturbingly he prefers Edgar Allen Poe and the horror of Clive Barker to ‘Little Golden Books’ and Enid Blyton.
An artistic Streak runs in Wailen’s family (his mother being a painter and his father a sculptor) and to their delight he shows some early artistic leanings as well. He has just graduated from his “Mud on Wall” abstract phase and has taken to “Still Life with Road kill” installations.
To give him a well rounded childhood experience Wailen has been introduced to many kinds of music from Tribal to classical and Heavy Metal (his personal preference). He’s not yet shown interested in learning a musical instrument, but he does like to beat things with his head.
Although mindful not to imprint their own desires onto the boy, his parents would secretly like their first born to perhaps follow in their footsteps in the creative arts, but so far he really wants to be a Mad Scientist– (Well I suppose it’s kind of a career in medicine and most folks would be fairly please with that. ) or a Crazy Cat Lady, (which may create some issues on a few fronts). But not to worry, he will have to tackle kindergarten first.
- Jen 2006